Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
Pig laying on the ground

How you can help

Email your representatives

Factory farming is slowly but surely tightening its stranglehold on our food system. In the United States, this disastrous practice violates the rights of people and animals. Now, more than ever, change is necessary on behalf of animals, the environment, public health, and community and worker justice.

Whether it’s the brutal killing of male chicks in the egg industry, calves raised for veal living inside a crate, farmworkers with unfit working conditions, or communities exposed to dangerous chemicals—every living being trapped within the American factory farming system has a story, a violation of their rights, and for most animals, a cruel end to their short and painful lives. While these practices are inhumane and unacceptable, they’re only a symptom of a larger problem—one that demands Congress's attention.

Animals raised for food, farmers, and communities need the Farm System Reform Act.

Introduced by US Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA) the Farm System Reform Act seeks to:

  1. Restore power to independent farmers who make up the backbone of the US food supply, helping them stay on their land and out of bankruptcy;
  2. Transition the US food system to a more sustainable model that allocates billions of dollars to help farmers transition to a system that does not rely on industrial animal agriculture; and
  3. Place an immediate moratorium on building or expanding large factory farms and ban the operation of all large factory farms by 2041.

Will you take 2 minutes right now to urge your representatives to co-sponsor this historic bill to end factory farming?

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Tell your representatives to end factory farming


Factory farming is a nightmare we can end.

Send a brief message to your representatives urging them to support the Farm System Reform Act. You will be able to edit the message text on the next page before sending.

*Most legislators and government agencies require a full address to receive messages, and we want to ensure your message is not rejected. This action is for US residents only.

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