Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
Dairy cows eating through metal bars

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The framework of our nation's agricultural spending was built for a bygone era. Most of the United States's federal farm subsidies go toward producing feed crops, such as corn and soy, that are destined for fattening animals on factory farms. These subsidies keep the cost of feed artificially low, enabling the factory farming industry to make exorbitant profits. Moreover, factory farms have snagged grant money from government environmental conservation programs. Last year alone, the government gave out over $70 million for factory farming projects such as building manure and dead animal storage facilities, which not only prop up factory farming but also have questionable environmental benefits.

In other words, the factory farming industry makes a huge profit while the government—and we, the taxpayers—foot the bill.

Meanwhile, over 20,000 factory farms across the country contribute to the suffering of nearly 10 billion animals each year. These animals waste away in warehouses and feedlots, being milked, fattened, and bred to the point of absolute exhaustion. Many live for only a year until they are slaughtered, and birds in the chicken industry live for as little as seven weeks before they are killed.

Congress must stop fueling animal suffering by giving handouts to factory farms. CIWF is calling on congressional leaders to redirect federal funding toward humane, sustainable, and equitable farming practices. Namely, CIWF is urging Congress to pass the Food and Farm Act, which would:

  • Eliminate excessive subsidies for animal feed grains
  • Expand support for healthy, plant-based crop production
  • Ban factory farms from receiving "conservation" grants
  • Incentivize higher welfare and sustainable farming practices

Tell your representatives to divest from animal suffering by cosponsoring the Food and Farm Act today.

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Tell Congress: stop funding factory farming

Congress must divest from animal suffering by pulling subsidies for factory farms. Send your message today by filling out the form below. Please consider adding your own thoughts on the next page—personalized messages are especially effective.

*Most legislators and government agencies require a full address to receive messages, and we want to ensure your message is not rejected.

*This action is for US residents only.

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