Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
Hens crammed together in a cage

How you can help

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In most egg factory farms, hens spend their entire lives in cages, with space no larger than the size of a microwave oven. Many never get the chance to run, jump, fly, or even fully extend their wings. Instead, they are crammed into rows of cages stacked several tiers high, never knowing anything other than the feeling of metal wire beneath their feet and against their feathers.

You can help stop this needless suffering.

A bill (SB0193) has been introduced in the state of Maryland that would require all egg producers in the state to raise their hens cage-free and require all eggs sold in the state to come from cage-free hens. As a result, this measure would free millions of hens within Maryland and provide a critical market opportunity for higher welfare farmers across the nation, pushing us ever closer to a cage-free future. The law would also require that hens are provided with enrichments that are critical to their mental and physical health, such as nest boxes, perches, and dust bathing areas.

Send a message to your state representatives now to urge them to support cage-free legislation for egg-laying hens.

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Urge your state lawmakers to support cage-free legislation


Hens deserve to experience life beyond a cage.

Send a message to your Maryland legislators today by filling out the form below. Please consider adding your own thoughts on the next page. Personalized messages are especially effective!

*Most legislators and government agencies require a full address to receive messages, and we want to ensure your message is not rejected.

*This action is for US residents only.

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