Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
A brown cow peering out from behind the bars of a transport truck.

Stop shipping terrified calves across the ocean

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In the Hawai'i cattle industry, calves less than a year old are torn from their mothers, herds, and homes and shipped across the Pacific Ocean for fattening.

Terrified and never to see their mothers or homeland again, up to 80 calves are forced into modified, double-decker shipping containers and loaded onto barges. Not knowing where they are going or when their journey will end, the calves endure cramped spaces, rolling seas, and extreme temperatures. Companies are not required to report injuries, illnesses, or deaths while on board, and in the only available study that followed 48 calves, one of them died of pneumonia.

These journeys can last five to ten days, traveling over 2,500 miles to the West coast. Moreover, many calves are sent even further once on the mainland, as far as Texas, on equally grueling journeys. Over 30,000 calves are forced to suffer through these oversea journeys each year.

We can put an end to their suffering by banning overseas exports of farmed animals and strengthening Hawai'i's local economy and food systems instead. But the industry will not stop unless people like you join together and speak out against shipping animals across the ocean for profit.

Calves don't deserve to be forced on grueling, dangerous trips overseas. Sign now to support a ban on shipping farmed animals overseas for profit!

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Large ship with a close-up of a shipping container on board holding cattle.

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Stop cruel overseas animal exports!

Add your name to support a ban on shipping calves and other farmed animals overseas for profit.

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