Ending factory farming. Ending animal cruelty.
A brown octopus looking at the camera from behind a glass tank wall.
Prime Minister
Government of Spain

Take a stand: Stop the funding of octopus suffering.

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CIWF's investigation has revealed a disturbing truth: governments are funnelling over $14.7 million of public money into cruel and environmentally destructive octopus farming. Spain has emerged as the biggest funder and closest to opening the world’s first commercial octopus farm housing over 1 million octopuses annually.

We have discovered that the Spanish government is pouring over $10.7 million of taxpayers’ money into exploiting octopuses in underwater factory farms. We cannot allow governments to spend our money on this cruelty, putting these intelligent, sentient wild animals—capable of feeling pain and fear—at risk of unimaginable suffering.

On World Octopus Day, we’ve joined forces with over 85 organizations, public figures, and academics to send a letter to the Spanish government, demanding they STOP funding octopus farming—but we need your voice to help make it happen!

Take Action: Stop the Funders

Octopus farming is not only inhumane, it’s also unsustainable and would add immense pressure to our already fragile oceans as it relies on wild fish stocks for feed, which contributes to overfishing and worsens food security in already vulnerable communities that depend on wild-caught fish for food.

This isn't just a local issue—it’s a global threat. If allowed to take hold, octopus farming will lead to greater environmental harm, including water pollution and biodiversity loss. The consequences extend far beyond Spain, and we must act now to stop it.

Public funds should be dedicated to protecting our oceans, wildlife and human health—not supporting industrial practices that harm animals, damage the environment and put public health at risk.

Please email President Pedro Sánchez and major funders, urging them to stop funding cruel and unsustainable octopus farming.

Don't let them continue spending public money to support this inhumane practice. The government needs to hear your voice. Acting is simple; just a few clicks can send a powerful message to decision makers, demanding they stop funding this cruelty and protect sentient wild octopuses from unnecessary suffering.

Send this urgent message to President Pedro Sánchez and major funders demanding they stop funding cruel and unsustainable octopus farming. Let’s make our voices heard before this practice becomes a cruel reality.

Dear Mr. Sánchez and recipients,

I am writing to express my deep concern over the significant amount of public funding being invested in octopus farming. As a taxpayer and an advocate for animal welfare and nature-friendly farming, I find this news alarming, given the well-documented ethical and environmental issues associated with this unnecessary practice.

Octopuses are highly intelligent and naturally solitary wild animals who thrive in the open ocean. Subjecting them to the high stocking densities typical of farming systems would cause immense suffering. Beyond the serious ethical concerns, octopus farming is also unsustainable and a major environmental threat. To feed farmed octopuses, large quantities of fishes and other marine organisms would need to be captured, contributing to overfishing and further straining our already fragile marine ecosystems. It also poses a food security risk to already vulnerable communities around the world that depend on wild-caught fishes for food.

In addition, I believe that public funds should not be used to support unethical and unsustainable farming methods. Instead, public money should be invested in practices that promote both animal welfare and environmental sustainability. The Spanish government has a responsibility to align its policies with the public interest, ensuring that its funding choices reflect a commitment to ethical standards and planetary health.

For the above reasons, I fully support the joint letter signed by over 85 organizations, public figures, and academics calling on Spain to stop funding octopus farming.

I urge you to ensure that no future funding is allocated to this unsustainable practice and instead direct public funding towards initiatives that respect both animal welfare and the environment.

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Send your urgent message to President Pedro Sánchez and major funders demanding they stop funding cruel and unsustainable octopus farming. Let’s make our voices heard before this practice becomes a cruel reality.

Will you send this message to save octopuses from suffering?

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